The Romansffff

Do you know when the Romans invaded Britain?
What can you find out about the Roman army to tell your teacher?
Can you research the famous wall that divided Britain during Roman times?

Year 5 undertook a challenge to create a speech and present it to the class. They were hoping their speech was good enough for the class to vote them in to school council. Here are a few photos from the speeches.

So far this term we have been studying The Romans. We have found out lots of interesting things about the Spread of the Roman Empire, the Roman Army and created our own mosaic designs.Take a look at some of our completed Mosaic tiles and designs.

Click here to find out more about Mosaics and to have a go at making your own design.

In Science we have been learning about Earth and Space! We enjoyed making our very own paper mache planets and fact files for displays in our classroom. We have enjoyed this topic so far and will be finding more out about the solar system next half term.

Click here to look at some interactive Space games and information.

In Literacy, to link in with our Roman topic, we have been writing articles and stories about a horrific, Roman disaster, where Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the town of Pompeii in 30 feet of burning ash and lava!

If you would like to find out more about this historic disaster click here.

Why don’t you try this Pompeii Quiz?
