What is Pupil Premium Funding?

The Pupil Premium Grant (introduced in April 2014) is additional funding schools receive to help support disadvantaged pupils of all abilities, to perform better and diminish the difference between them and their peers.

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools based on the January Census information.


How does Service Pupil Premium differ from Pupil Premium?

Service Pupil Premium funding is additional funding received by schools to help provide additional support for pupils who have one of their parents serving in the regular armed forces.

The purpose of this funding is primarily to provide pastoral support for service children, whereas the Pupil Premium was introduced to raise attainment and accelerate progress within disadvantaged groups.


Is your child eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant?

Find out if your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant by following the steps in the document below:

Pupil Premium Grant Eligibility Checker Instructions


How is funding allocated to schools?

For the 2018-2019 financial year, the school receives the following additional funding per pupil for each category:


How is the Pupil Premium Grant spent?

According to the Government conditions of grant for Pupil Premium, schools are allowed to make their own decisions as how to best spend the Pupil Premium Grant in line with the following ways:

  • for the purposes of the school, that is for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that school
  • for the benefit of pupils registered at other maintained schools or academies
  • on community facilities; for example, services whose provision furthers any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is situated


Looked After Children Pupil Premium Funding

This is managed by the designated Virtual School Head (VSH) in the local authority with responsibility for the child. The funding is allocated to be used for the benefit of the looked after child’s educational needs as set out in their Personal Education Plan (PEP). The school has a designated teacher for Looked After Children.

At Barlows Primary School, this is Miss Clare Bakstad (Assistant Headteacher).


Evidence based research

At Barlows Primary School, we recognise the importance of targeting Pupil Premium funding carefully to address barriers to learning and provide targeted support, teaching and learning opportunities in order to maximise progress and attainment.

Where possible, we select strategies and approaches that are evidenced based, using research to support our decisions. This is reflected in our current Pupil Premium Strategy below (2018-2019).


Pupil Premium Strategies

Please click on the document links below to view a copy of the school’s Pupil Premium Strategy for the relevant year:


Click the link below to read the school’s most recent Pupil Premium Strategy.

Barlows Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019

Barlows Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2017-2018

Barlows Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2016-2017


How do we monitor and measure the impact of the Pupil Premium Grant?

Each year we consider the impact of each of the strategies we have identified in our Pupil Premium Strategy. We consider pupil progress and attainment in addition to the social and emotional benefits of strategies, where applicable. We use this information, coupled with pupil and parent surveys and /or focus groups, to help inform our spending decisions for the following year.

Please click on the document links below to view a copy of the school’s Pupil Premium Strategy Impact Evaluation for the relevant year:


Barlows Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019 Evaluation



External Pupil Premium Review

In Autumn 2017, the school commissioned an external review of Pupil Premium Spending.

This was undertaken by School Improvement Liverpool (SIL) in October 2017.

The information provided from the review, has supported the development of the current (2018-2019) Pupil Premium Strategy.


Pupil Premium Policy

Please click on the link below to view a copy of the school’s current Pupil Premium Policy:

Pupil Premium Policy 2018-2019 


Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is funding allocated to early years settings / providers to improve the education provided for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds. Schools are allowed to make their own decisions as how to best spend this funding in line with the purpose of improving education.


Further information can be found on your Local Authority Website:





The role of the Governing Body in Pupil Premium spending

The school governing body have an important role to play in providing constructive challenge to the school’s Pupil Premium strategy as set out in the governing body’s core functions (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/governance-handbook).

The school has appointed a Pupil Premium Governor to help oversee this aspect of governance. This is currently: Rev Mike Hindley.


Pupil Premium Roles

All staff and governors have a shared responsibility to ensure all pupils receive a good quality education and learning opportunities. Key staff are identified to help direct and monitor Pupil Premium strategies and spending.

These are detailed below:

Headteacher – Mr David Robinson

Deputy Headteacher and Pupil Premium Lead– Miss Stacey Feenan

Assistant Headteacher and Looked After Children Lead– Miss Clare Bakstad

Pupil Premium Governor– Rev. Mike Hindley

Pupil Premium Support (LSA)– Miss Lisa Manchester


Further reading

If you are interested in learning more about Pupil Premium Funding, please use the following links and documents:


Pupil Premium: funding and accountability for schools



The pupil premium: how schools are spending the funding successfully



Nasen. The Pupil Premium: A quick guide to maximising the impact of additional funding for disadvantaged pupils



The Pupil Premium: an update (2014)


Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils (2015)



Effective support for disadvantaged pupils’ achievement (2015)
