Fabulous Food!ffff

As part of our ‘Fabulous Food’ topic we worked with artist, Gill Taylor. We looked at a variety of fruit and vegetables and used some of them to print with. We also collaged some fruit and vegetables using a variety of media which can be seen displayed in the Lower School Corridor.

In Year One we have been tasting food from around the world. Pappodums, houmous, olives, pizza and pasta are just a few of the tasty treats that we sampled!


Fabulous Food!ffff

As part of our ‘Fabulous Food’ topic we worked with artist, Gill Taylor. We looked at a variety of fruit and vegetables and used some of them to print with. We also collaged some fruit and vegetables using a variety of media which can be seen displayed in the Lower School Corridor.

In Year One we have been tasting food from around the world. Pappodums, houmous, olives, pizza and pasta are just a few of the tasty treats that we sampled!
