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Whole School Chatter

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Y6 Rooftoppers Core Text

Year 6 have been enjoying their journey into their first core text of the year, Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell.

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Y6 Identifying and Explaining Anomalies in Data

In Science, Year 6 Gandhi’s exploration of anomalies has sparked their curiosity, as they learn how to identify them and understand how to prevent their occurrence.

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Y6 Skillosaurus

Year 6 have been carrying out a DT project to enhance their measuring, folding and cutting skills. They worked independently to create their own ‘Skillosaurus’ as a prototype for their group creations. The project has shown the pupils the importance of excellent teamwork and communication skills on top of working with precision to ensure their creation was balanced.

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Y2 Our Local Area

In Geography, Year 2 have been learning about their local area. They have been studying the human and physical features on a map and created discussion about how they know the difference between both features.
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Y4 Rivers

In Geography, we have been learning all about rivers and identifying their key features. We’ve looked at the source of a river, tributaries and confluences and erosion and deposition.  

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Reception Cutting Skills

Children in reception have been practising their cutting skills this week and using this skill when sorting items by their initial sounds. 

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Reception Subitising with Groups of Three

Children in Reception have been developing their skills to subitise with groups to 3. Some confident mathematicians worked independently to sort the dot patterns to the correct numeral. 

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Nursery Outdoor Environment

The Nursery children have enjoyed exploring the outdoor environment during the good weather. They have been developing their gross motor skills on the climbing frame. 

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Y6 Enhancing Sketching and Drawing Skills

This week in Year 6, our pupils have been enhancing their sketching and drawing skills in art, focusing on techniques that allow them to express their creativity more effectively.

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Y6 Mosques

Year 6 have embarked on an enlightening journey to understand the significance of mosques in Islamic culture. Students are learning about the architectural features of a mosque and what each part represents, fostering an appreciation for the beliefs and practices of Muslims. This integrated approach not only enriches their artistic abilities but also promotes respect and understanding of diverse cultures within our school community.

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Y3 Vincent Van Gogh

Year 3 students have enthusiastically explored the artwork of Vincent van Gogh during their painting and drawing lessons. They have examined repeated lines in ammonites, invented marks for creative effect, and experimented with creating varying hues of blue, enhancing their understanding of colour and technique.

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Y2 Mark Making

Year 2 have explored a range of mark making opportunities using a variety of materials. They have studied the work of contemporary American illustrator, Beth Krommes and explored shapes and textures in response to a piece of music.