Oaklands Group 1

Here are a selection of photographs of our first Oaklands group enjoying themselves in the sun:   We hope the second group enjoy their time just as much!

Movema Dance Workshop

Year 3 had a fantastic dance workshop presented by Movema – they looked at dance from different cultures as part of our Multicultural week work.

Walk to School and Road Safety

We have been celebrating walking to school this week but also thinking about how we can stay safe on our journey to school. We designed our own class posters to … Continued

Professor Fluffy

Year 5 went on a fantastic trip to Ness Gardens to do a Liverpool University workshop with Professor Fluffy and an evolution walk around the gardens.   

Professor Fluffy

Year 5 went on a fantastic trip to Ness Gardens to do a Liverpool University workshop with Professor Fluffy and an evolution walk around the gardens.   

Graffiti Art

Year 5 enjoyed their art day with Miss Jones. They created graffiti tags with watercolour. Have a look at the process and final piece of artwork below.

Seaside Entry Point

Wow! What a wonderful Wednesday we have had. Year One have started their brand new topic with a super Seaside Day. There was no school uniform for us on Wednesday, … Continued

Time Detective Mosaics

To complete our Time Detectives topic we looked at mosaic art work. We then designed and created some of our own.

Nature P4C

During this week’s P4C session we used an image as a stimulus to discuss when we thought it was ok to take things from nature and what it’s never ok … Continued

Planting Potatoes

Foundation 2 have been very busy becoming gardeners to plant their own potatoes. We can’t wait to try them once they’ve grown!