Geography at Barlows


“Geography is a vitally important component in a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. It is a subject that is driven by curiosity about the world as it is now and how it might change in the future.”  (Tanner, J. and Whittle, J. 2015, p.2)1


Rooted in the aims, purpose, and subject content of the national curriculum, our geography curriculum is built on this understanding that geography is a subject driven by curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, developing knowledge, skills and understanding of not only what places and people are like now or in the past, but also by what might be in the future, and how we, as citizens of our own geographical landscapes , have the ability and opportunity to shape that future.


Making strong links with our PSHE curriculum, our geography curriculum enables our pupils to gain a sense of place, people and culture whilst developing an understanding of how people, places and communities are connected both locally and globally. Pupils learn about natural and human environments along with associated physical and human processes.


We want our pupils to ‘experience geography’ with a belief that ‘they are geographers’ and that they can make a difference to their future. With this in mind, pupils are encouraged to ask geographical questions and use a range of geographical skills to find the answers in a curriculum that encompasses opportunities for pupils to also about the social, economic, environmental and ethical challenges including deforestation, settlement locations, trade and tourism that face the world today.


The introduction of maps skills units taken form the Geographical Society, at the start of each academic year, supports our pupils to deepen their understanding of place and the physical landscape, whilst developing map reading skills to help make sense of the local environment and wider world.


Through carefully selected fieldwork opportunities both locally and further afield with planned progression across year groups, our pupils gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of human, physical and environmental geography. Engaging in carefully planned fieldwork and geographical enquiry, we enable our pupils to think critically and question the world around them. Undertaking fieldwork firsthand allows our pupils to act as geographical researchers, to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the people and places that make up environments and the wider world. Such experiences help improve the retention of geographical knowledge.


For example, opportunities to visit and undertake fieldwork linked to mountains and rivers within the Peak District and Lake District in Key Stage 2 enhances pupils knowledge and understanding of less familiar geographical landscapes to where they live. Visiting contrasting coastal towns in lower Key Stage 2, enables pupils to draw comparisons through field sketches, questionnaires and transects, while pupils in Key Stage 1 develop their understanding of land use in the immediate environment.


If children can understand the geography of people and places, they can begin to understand how they can contribute to the creation of a better future.


You will find below a link to our long term Geography curriculum. Please take the time to look over the Geography coverage we provide and if you have any suggestions on how we could improve further, please get in touch via


1 Tanner, J. and Whittle, J. (2015) The Everyday Guide to Geography: Local Fieldwork. Geographical Association, Sheffield.


Please see below our Long Term Curriculum Map and Long Term Fieldwork Progression document.

Geography Long Term Curriculum Map and Fieldwork Progression Document